Wednesday, August 22, 2012

MusiCabin great spot on the globe Being a mom

MusiCabin great spot on the globe Being a mom 

My daghter is joining the army next week.
I am both excited and anxious for her.
Mabey she wont get along. She just turned 18. She is just a girl.
You know being a mom can be very rewarding. It can also be very frustrating and cause anxiet.
From the minute we give birth to those tiny creatures, so delicate so naive , we send them into a tough world and teach them gradually how to be independent.
They begin by breathing on their own. Not conected to you by cord.
Feeding by an independent system. Not yours any more.
Soon enough they begin to express their own will. All of a sudden you realise they might want something different than yourself. For instanse to play at 03.00 am while you really want to sleep.
After that they can walk by themselves. And jump from heights you would never even think of climbing to.
Everyday and minute that passes they move further away and you must take a further step.
To let them on their own. Make their own falls. Its tough to watch them fall. I was never good at that.
Then you send them over to kindergarden and school. You stand outside and hear them cry for you. You bravely say goodbye. And step aside for them to take their own place in society. With freinds and teachers.
it does not take long until they start enjoying. Demanding their freedom from your cosy hug.
They start going to places by themselves. You dont always know where and with whom.
You take more and more steps aside and increase your trust in them.
They can do it on their own this much.
My daughter just graduated highschool. She did it with style. She is a dancer.
Next week she is going to the army.
And to me she is still that liitle gentle creature just born.
Or mabey i need her to be.
Its probably one of those moments in life that you realise something so obvious that she already knows  long before you.
Its hard letting her on her own. But i know i can trust her to do whats right. To make it. Because thats what ive been teaching her for 18 years now.
I beleive in her.
I stand behind her. Watching. Worrying and observing every step she makes.
Im proud to be her mother.
And still. It feels a little lonley to let her go like this.
You are on your own my baby.
Best luck ever!!!

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